Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 Reflections

It's hard to believe that 2010 is over. It's been a whirlwind to say the least. So many new things happened in my life in one year. I got married in June, got my permanent certification in teaching, found my love of photography, Lily was brought into our lives (my dog).

It's true what people say, "When you get older, time passes more quickly." It was like a blink of an eye and this year was over. In 2011, I turn the big 30. I remember being a little girl sitting in church thinking how people that are 30 are so old. I can remember sitting there trying to picture what my life would be like at 30.

And so it is time for the New Year's Resolutions. Whatever your feelings about them (love 'em or hate 'em), you alway end up making at least one, even if you don't openly admit it! Mine this year, "Live in the moment!"  It's my new slogan. No more worry about the future, thinking about past regrets. I'm going to live in the now!

Happy New Year!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas!

This is our first Christmas together as a married couple! I'm excited to spend some quality time with my husband. Hoping this Christmas is as special to you as it is to me!

Christmas Eve dinner is at our house this evening! Looking forward to having some family over our house. Spending some time together and hopefully having a relaxing evening at home!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

New Chapter in the book of Me

So this is my first blogging experience, so I may suck or I may rock it, since I don't really read other people's blogs. Well I probably would if I knew anyone else who did blog.

I finished my last photo shoot yesterday for Christmas so I'm officially off until after the New Year, unless someone calls me inbetween there but I am going to spend my time wisely. My goals are:  Spend more time with my husband, Attempt to take care of myself a little better, and Obsessively learn more about photography (the last will be the easiest I'm sure). Also we have to throw in clean the house for Christmas, finish Christmas shopping, and decide what we are having for Christmas Eve dinner....

Back to the grind tomorrow, so I'd like to throw in a "Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!"

My dogs are so excited for Christmas they can hardly contain themselves!
I really needed to share their excitement....